The Origins Of Christmas Stockings (聖誕襪的由來)


A long time ago, there was a poor family. The mother died early and left the father to take care of three daughters by himself. Their kind father was worried that he couldn’t afford to pay for his two elder daughters’ weddings.



“Daddy, I can get work as a maid to earn money for my sisters’ weddings.” said the youngest daughter. 



“You’re so nice. I’m so happy to have three good daughters. But I can‘t let you.” said the father. 



Bishop Nicholas heard this and he wanted to help the poor family. “Let me help them.” said Nicholas.

Nicholas 主教得知這件事,他想幫助這個窮困的家庭。我來幫幫他們吧!” Nicholas 說。


One night, the daughters washed their stockings and prepared to hang them over the fireplace to dry.



Bishop Nicholas secretly tossed three bags of gold down the chimney into the stockings. This goodhearted gift made it possible for the girls to marry.

Nicholas 主教偷偷的從煙囪丟下三袋金子到長襪裡。這份善心的禮物使得姑娘們得以結婚。


Bishop Nicholas was later named a saint and is also known as Santa Claus. Now Children hang Christmas stockings to wait for Santa Claus’ presents.

後來,Nicholas 主教被稱為聖徒,也以聖誕老公公的形象為人所知。現在孩子們會掛起聖誕襪好等待聖誕老公公送的禮物。