中級英檢單字表 ( 3 )



這些都是我們在學校背過的中級英檢單字 , 每天背五個 , 有興趣的伙伴可以加入我們的背誦行列喔 ~!

221   bulb                   (n.):      the ball-shaped part of the stem of certain plants

222   bull                    (n.):      the male of the ox family and of the whale, walrus, elephant

223   bullet                 (n.):      a piece of metal fired from hand guns

224   bulletin              (n.):      a printed information-sheet

225   bump                 (n.):      the sound of a blow or knock

226   bunch                (n.):      a number of things fastened or growing together

227   burden               (n.):      something to be carried

228   bureau               (n.):      an office for collecting and supplying information

229   burglar               (n.):      a person who commits burglary

230   bury                  (v.):       to place in the ground

231   butcher              (n.):      a person who slaughters certain animals

232   calculate            (v.):       to count or estimate, using numbers

233   campaign           (n.):      a series of organized actions in support of a cause

                                             Example: a campaign against smoking

234   canal                 (n.):      a (usually narrow) man-made waterway

235   candidate           (n.)

261   charity               (n.):      kindness (especially in giving money to poor people)