中級英檢單字表 ( 2 )



這些都是我們在學校背過的中級英檢單字 , 每天背五個 , 有興趣的伙伴可以加入我們的背誦行列喔 ~!


101. appointment (n.): a fixed mutual agreement for a meeting;

          engagement: We made an appointment to meet again.


102. appreciation (n.): gratitude; thankful recognition:

          They showed their appreciation by giving him a gold watch.


103. approach : (1) (v.) to come near or nearer to: The cars slowed

          down as they approached the intersection. (2) (n.) ideas or

          actions intended to deal with a problem or situation: His

          approach to any problem was to prepare an outline.


104. appropriate (adj.): suitable or fitting for a particular purpose,

          person, occasion: Her clothes were appropriate to the occasion.


105. approval (n.): when you have a positive opinion of someone or

          something: He showed his approval by smiling broadly.


106. apron (n.):  a piece of clothing that you wear over the front of

          other clothes to keep the clothes clean while you are doing

          something dirty, such as cooking or cleaning in the house:

          He wears a kitchen apron when he cooks.


107. aquarium(n.): a glass container in which fish and other water

          animals can be kept


108. arch (n./v): (1) (n.) a structure consisting of a curved top on

          two supports:Passing through the arch, you enter an open

          courtyard. (2) (v.): to make the shape of an arch:Trees arch

          over the river.


109. architect (n.):

          a person who engages in the profession of architecture:


110. architecture (n.): the art and science of designing and making

          buildings: He plans to study architecture in the university.


111. argument (n.): a disagreement, or the process of disagreeing:

          The children had an argument about/over what game to play.


112. arise (v.): to happen:

          Are there any matters arising from (= caused by) the last



113. arithmetic (n.): the part of mathematics that involves the

          adding and multiplying, etc. of numbers:I've never been very

          good at arithmetic.

114. armed (adj.): using or carrying weapons:

          These men are armed and dangerous, and should not be



115. arouse (v.): wake up: The footsteps aroused the dog.


116. arrangement (n.): an act of arranging:

           I like the arrangement of the furniture.


117. arrival (n.): an act of arriving; a coming:

          His arrival was delayed by traffic.


118. arrow (n.): a thin, straight stick with a point, which is fired from

          a bow


119.artificial (adj.): made by human skill: This island is artificial.


120. artistic (adj.): relating to art:

           He is the artistic director of the theatre (theater).


121. ascend (v.): to move up or climb something:

          They slowly ascended the steep path up the mountain.


122. ascending (adj.): moving upward; rising: 

          The ascending plane disappeared in the cloud.


123. ash (n.): the soft grey or black powder that is left after a

          substance, especially tobacco, coal or wood, has burnt:

          The paper was burned into ashes.


124. ashamed (adj.): feeling guilty or embarrassed about something

          you have done or a quality in your character:

          You've got nothing to be ashamed of.


125. aspect (n.): one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc:

          Have you thought about the problem from every aspect?


126. aspirin (n.): a (tablet of a) kind of pain-killing drug

          Example: The child has a fever — give her some/an aspirin.


127. assassinate (n.): to murder, especially for political reasons

          Example: The president was assassinated by terrorists.


128. assemble (v.): (1) to come together: The crowd assembled in

          the hall. (2) to put together: He assembled the model aeroplane



129. assembly (n.): a collection of people (usually for a particular

          purpose):The principal will speak to all the students at Friday's



130. asset (n.): a useful and desirable thing or quality:    

          Organizational ability is an asset.


141. assure (v.): to pledge or promise; give surety of; guarantee:

          He was assured a job in the spring.


142. astonish (v.): to surprise greatly:

          Her easy humor and keen intellect astonished me.


143. atmosphere (n.): any surrounding feeling:

          There was a friendly atmosphere in the village.


144. atom (n.): the smallest part of an element


145. attach (v.): to fasten or join Example:

          I attached a label to my bag.


146. attempt (n.): An effort or a try:

          They failed in their attempt to climb the Everest.


147. attitude (n.): a way of thinking or acting:

          What is your attitude to politics?


148. attract (v.): to cause (someone or something) to come towards:

          A magnet attracts iron.


149. authority (n.): the power or right to do something:

          He gave me authority to act on his behalf.


150. autobiography (n.):

          a history of a person's life written or told by that person:


151. automatic (adj.): independent of external control:

           It’s an automatic washing-machine.


152. automobile (n.): a motor vehicle


153. avenue (n.):

          a wide road, with trees or tall buildings on both sides


154. average (n.): the result obtained by adding two or more

          amounts together and dividing the total by the number of



155. await (v.): to wait for


156. awake (v.): not sleeping


157. award (n.):

          to give money or a prize following an official decision


158. awkward (adj.): difficult to use, do, or deal with


159. baby-sit (v.): to take care of a baby or child


160. bacon (n.): salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a

          pig, usually eaten sliced and fried


161. bacteria (n.): very small organisms(有機體) that are found

          everywhere and are the cause of many diseases


162. baggage (n.): the trunks, packages


163. baggy (n.): loose or flabby in appearance


164. bait (n.): a small amount of food used to attract and catch a fish

          or animal

165. balance (n.): a state of physical steadiness

166. bald (adj.): having little or no hair on the scalp:

          He has a bald head.

167. ballet (n.): A classical dance form, telling a story or theme.

168. bamboo (n.): woody tropical grass having hollow woody stems

169. ban (v.): an order that a certain thing may not be done:

          There is a ban on smoking in this area.

170. bandage (n.):

          a strip of cloth or other material used to bind up a wound

171. bankrupt (adj.): unable to pay one's debts

172. bare (adj.): without covering or clothing; naked; nude

173. bargain (n.):

          something bought cheaply and giving good value for money:

          This carpet was a real bargain.

174. barrel (n.): a container of curved pieces of wood or of metal

175. barrier (n.): something put up as a defense or protection:

          There is a barrier between the playground and the busy road

176. basin (n.): a bowl for washing oneself in

177. bathe (v.): To take a bath.